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Get It When You Can

We’ve all read or heard about the unlucky family that is wiped out by a house fire and didn’t have any fire insurance. All too often, people mistakenly believe that it won’t happen to them. The reality is that bad things CAN happen and there is nothing that guarantees they …

Joint Ownership Alternatives

Joint ownership is used by millions for various reasons. When problems arise, they are usually unintentional and it can be too late to remedy them. For example:   Jane wants to avoid probate with as much of her estate as possible. She also wants her daughter, Sally, to have easy …

Standard financial and tax planning advice for the past several decades for business owners has included the use of incorporation to both insulate Canadians from business risk and liability and for asset building and income cash flow planning.   The validity of this tax policy is now under attack, as …

How’s Your Net Worth?

His banker asked Trent what his net worth was for a loan he was applying for. He had trouble answering the question right away.   What is Net Worth? Quite simply, net worth is the difference between what you own and what you owe. But true net worth may not …

We’ve all heard that life has two certainties – death and taxes. You need to know the two often coincide. While Canada does not have an official death, estate or inheritance tax, there are some postponed taxes that become payable on death. There are other obligations that need to be …

Era of Rising Interest Rates

The recent increases in the Bank of Canada and Federal Reserve prime rate in the past few months signal the end of historically low interest rates. According to a Bank of England study released in early 2016, current low interest rates are the lowest in 5000 years of recorded history*! …


Agricultural Intro – Who We Are? Serving the Niagara Peninsula and South Western…

Business Intro – Who we are? 

As an independent broker, we are bound by the laws governing life…